The Hope Center is a Christian non-profit organization that serves as an extension of the Marysville Area Ministerial Association (MAMA). Because of this relationship, the Hope Center embraces the Statement of Faith as found in the By-Laws of MAMA.
The Marysville Area Ministerial Association which, in response to the gospel as revealed in the Scriptures, confess one Triune God.
The membership [which includes The Hope Center] will understand their relationship with one another through the manifestation of the following visible marks:
• Faith in one God who through Word and in the Spirit creates, redeems and sanctifies;
• Commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and as the incarnate and risen Lord,
• And grateful recognition of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
• Faithfulness to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, which contain all things necessary for our salvation as well as being the rule and ultimate standard of faith;
• Commitment to faithful participation in the sacraments appointed by Jesus Christ.
All staff and volunteers acknowledge this Statement of Faith to be the operating Statement of Faith for The Hope Center, and agree not to promote contradictory beliefs while doing the business of the Hope Center.